Edmonton Region Foray

Leaders: Karen Slevinsky  Date:  Saturday, August 26,  2023 Time: 11 AM - 1 PM No pre-registration is required. Exact location will be sent via email notification to all paid members approximately 4-5 days prior  Please read and familiarize yourself with the AMS Foray guidelines.

Edmonton Region Foray, Lac Ste Anne County

Leaders: Rob Arthur and Elizabeth Lakeman Date:  Sunday, August 27, 2023 Time: 12:30 PM - 3PM Location:  TBD Other details: No pre-registration required. Members only event. Details regarding location will be emailed out to members approximately 4-6 days prior. Please read and familiarize yourself with the AMS Foray guidelines.

GAMF (Great Alberta Mushroom Foray) in Waterton National Park!

Waterton Community Center 201 Cameron Falls Drive PO Box 144, Waterton,, Alberta

Keynote Speakers Dr. Keith Seifert Paul Kroeger Andy MacKinnon Martin Osis The 2023 Great Alberta Mushroom Foray (GAMF) is on full throttle! The Alberta Mycological Society has planned an


Weald Weekend Foray

Contact: Elizabeth Lakeman (ealshroom@gmail.com) Date:  September 15 - September 17 Time: 4 pm (Friday) - 2 pm (Sunday) Location:  Embarras River, West of Edson, Weald Provincial Recreation Area.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and there will be a plethora of tasty edibles; i.e. hedgehogs, yellow foots, gypsies, red tops, russulas,

Meet the Mushrooms – Crowdcast Event (Online Presentation) Toronto Pubic Library Event

Meet The Mushrooms https://www.crowdcast.io/c/tpl-meet-the-mushrooms By Toronto Public Library Programs Have you ever wondered what kinds of mushrooms are growing in your local ravine or along your favourite hiking trail? While fungi are often portrayed as decomposers of dead plant tissue, many are essential partners to living plants and keystone species