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Leader(s): Dr. Jillian Hagel
Date: Saturday, May 1, 2021
Time: 13:00 – 14:00 hr.

Location: ZOOM

Other Details:

The Occurrence, Biosynthesis, Pharmacology
and Biotechnology of Psychedelics
Produced in Fungi and Plants

Dr. Jillian Hagel is the Chief Technology Officer for MagicMed Industries Inc., a company focused on creating a library of novel derivative molecules based on classic psychedelics such as psilocybin. After receiving her Ph.D. in opiate biosynthesis from the University of Calgary in 2010, Dr. Hagel continued post-doctoral work in the area of natural product metabolism with a focus on benzophenanthridine and opiate alkaloids, amphetamine analogues, and cannabinoids. Followi
ng 4 years of post-doctoral work, she co-founded three biotechnology companies including Epimeron Inc. (now Willow Biosciences Inc.) and MagicMed Industries Inc. Dr. Hagel has co-authored over 40 peer-reviewed research articles and is co-inventor of 18 patents or patent applications.

AMS with Nature Alberta
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