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Host a foray in your region! We’re calling on members to consider leading a foray in their local community.  It is a great opportunity to meet people, build friendships, and expand the reach of the Alberta Mycological Society.

Expertise is not required.

You can lead a foray by yourself if you feel confident, or team up with fellow members in your area. It’s a great way to collaborate and learn from each other. We can help you connect with people in your region.

Pick a location familiar to you or one you’re curious about. We can help you identify approved foraging locations such as Natural Areas and Crown land, while guiding you to avoid restricted areas like National Parks, Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Heritage Rangelands, and any area within Calgary’s city limits.

Date and Time:
Choose a time that works well for you. Weekend mornings and afternoons are often popular. Maybe an evening foray?

Safety and Education:
Brief participants on safe foraging and respect for the environment. Ensure participants forage together in pairs or groups. Remind participants to never consume a mushroom unless they are 100% certain it is edible. All mushrooms must be fully cooked before consumption and never overindulged. Mushroom identification expertise is not a requirement – you can direct members to our Facebook group for help with identification.

Ensure that all participants sign-in/sign-out of the foray via the Check-in Form. This ensures everyone is covered by the AMS insurance policy.

Foray Report:
Send us an email with a brief description of your foray and findings. Include a photo of the Check-in Form. Send us any photos that you would like to appear on the website.

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