About Ryan.Armishaw

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So far Ryan.Armishaw has created 23 blog entries.

Ministik Bird Sanctuary – May 16, 2024

The mating dance of the grouse could be heard in the near distance and as luck would have it a foray participant flushed it out of the bush. This was an early morel foray and it was extremely successful - with at least 143 Verpa bohemica foraged. One lucky

Ministik Bird Sanctuary – May 16, 20242024-05-25T20:12:09-06:00

Beaver Hills Mycoflora – Elk Island National Park – May 11, 2024

Date:  Saturday, May 11, 2024. 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Location: Elk Island National Park Foray Leader(s): Martin Osis, Mel Hohn, Ryan Armishaw, Rick Watts Attendees: 22 in the morning, 6 in the afternoon Weather: Smoky, temperature around 20 'C. Summary: Warm sunny day 16 C. Rain in the

Beaver Hills Mycoflora – Elk Island National Park – May 11, 20242024-05-29T10:52:31-06:00

Beaver Hills Biodiversity Trail Foray – March 25, 2024

Date:  Sunday, March 25, 2024. 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Location: Beaver Hills Biodiversity Trail Foray Leader(s):  Martin Osis Attendees: 13 + Maggie Weather: Sunny, temperature around 0 'C. Listed below are the names of specimens found - names may not necessarily reflect the most current scientific genus. Bjerkandera

Beaver Hills Biodiversity Trail Foray – March 25, 20242024-05-29T11:00:31-06:00
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