About Isabella Tarasco


Foray Report: Water Valley

What: Morel Foray at Water Valley area in Alberta When did the foray occur: May 18, 2019 Foray Length: 2 hours Attendance: 27 people Mushroom Species Found: Bjerkandera adusta Dacrymyces palmatus Fomitopsis pinicola Ganoderma Nectria cinnabarina Phellinus tremulae Phyllotopsis nidulans Trametes hirsuta Trametes pubescens Terrain: Wet, mixed conifer and

Foray Report: Water Valley2019-05-31T12:26:34-06:00

Foray Report: Ministik

What: Morel Foray at Ministik When did the foray occur: May 19, 2019 Foray Length: 5 hours, split between a couple different areas Attendance: 36 people Mushroom Species Found: Morel Verpa Little Brown Mushrooms Blackfooted Polypore Terrain: Lots of undergrowth in areas (ie. rose bushes and rose bush thorns).

Foray Report: Ministik2019-05-29T10:33:12-06:00

What Have I Found?

One of our fungi fanatics found something in their yard - please see message below and comment on the post if you have any ideas! "Hi mushroom enthusiasts of Alberta My husband and I have noticed mushrooms popping up in our yard.  They are dark brown.  They seem to

What Have I Found?2019-05-31T12:50:56-06:00

In The News

Our very own Christine Costello, Director-at-Large, sat down with Global News anchor Sarah Offin to talk all things foray. Watch the clip HERE.

In The News2019-05-10T10:44:12-06:00

What Have I Found?

In 2015, one of our members submitted these mushrooms from a cedar-hemlock forest near Revelstoke, BC.  Without additional information such as smell, spore print, etc, our best guess is that the longer stemmed fungi looks like Boletes mirabilus while the other one could be either Boletus coniferatum or Boletus

What Have I Found?2019-05-14T12:59:48-06:00
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