Edmonton River Valley Foray
Monday, July 18, 2022 from 6:15PM – 8:15PM
Foray Leader: Rosemarie O’Bertos aka Mushroom Mama and past president of the AMS
Attendees: 19
Weather: 29 deg C, Sunny
Terrain: Hilly, Steep in the ravine, Dense woods, and well-maintained public trails
Vegetation: Primarily deciduous trees
This foray was a mycologist’s paradise – a dream come true! There were simply too many mushrooms to count and between 21 to 40 different types of mushrooms found by the wonderful attendees.
The mushrooms identified include:
- Stinkhorn
- Stinkhorn egg
- Coprinus atamentaria
- Amanita virosa
- Russula grisea
- A hairy oyster
- Polyporus badius
- Lactarius “looking” something?
- Chlorophylum rhacodes
- Cercopemyces crocodilinus (pretty good guess)
- Amanita muscaria,
- Fomes fomentarius
- Ganoderma applanatum
- Hericium coralloides
- Leccinum boreale
- Peziza repanda
- Pholiota squarrosa
There were several more that we had no idea to even guess! A great group of people found such a diversity of mushrooms during this foray. They even spotted a baby owl (he was so cute)!
During this foray, everyone partnered up, so no one got lost, and everyone had a wonderful time. They all said they learned something… At the very least, everyone knows the black-footed polypore now; we found enough of them!