Grande Cache Weekend Foray
Date: Friday, July 22, 2022, to Sunday, July 24, 2022
Location: Rocky Mountains around Grande Cache
Foray Leader(s): Martin Osis, former president AMS, and Melanie Fjoser, Director-at-Large
Attendees: 7
Weather: Dry
Terrain: Mountainous
Vegetation: Spruce, Pine, Aspen
Despite the dry weather, a wide variety of different mushrooms were found. Between 21 to 40 different mushrooms were found and a total 41 to 50 mushrooms were collected. This small group enjoyed an ID session and spontaneous potluck on the deck of Melanie and Martin’s condo in Grande Cache!
The following specimens were found:
- Fomitopsis ochracea
- Lactarius rufus
- Lycoperdon pyriforme
- Suillus tomentosus
- Trametes suaveolens
- Pluteus lutescens
- Pleurotus populatum
- Inocybe dulcamara
- Leccinum ochraceum
- Suillus granulatus
- Leccinum sp.
- Leccinum insigne
- Pluteus cervinus
- Pluteus sp.
- Inocybe sp.
- Omphalina fusco-nigra
- Lyophyllum loricatum cf.
- Tricholoma rutilans
- Leucopaxillus giganteus
- Russula fragilis
- Gymnopilus luteofolius
- Polyporus badius
- Fomitopsis sp.
- Inocybe geophylla