Edmonton City Foray
Sunday, July 24, 2022 from 12:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Foray was led by Enoki Li and Mel Hohn
Attendees: 18
Weather: Sunny day with clear skies. The temperature was in the about 28C.
Terrain: Steep dense mixed-woods, many creeks, and well-maintained public trails
Vegetation: Predominantly deciduous trees
We did not expect to see so many mushrooms considering the lack of rain prior to the foray. There was a certain amusing Agaricus that was especially phallic shaped, even for a mushroom. The total number of individual mushrooms found is unknown. The total number of different types of mushroom was approximately 20 types. The following specimens were found: Leccinum insigne/boreale, Hericium ramosum, Hydnum, Polyporus badius, Russula fragilis/ nigricans/subfoetans, Pluteus cerivinus/pellitus/patricius/leoninus/tomentosulus, Agaricus haemarroidarius/xanthodermus, Inocybe, Mycena, Coprinellus, Myxophalia, Amanita fulva, Ramaria abetina, and a variety of little brown mushrooms.