What: West Bragg Creek Foray
When did the foray occur: July 19, 2020
Foray Length: 2.5 hours
Attendance: 25 people
Mushroom Species Found:
Leccinum insigne, Pleurotus populinus, Lyophyllum decastes, Laccaria species, Coprinopsis sp., Polyporus badius, very small clump of what were decided to be early Honey mushrooms, Clitocybe sp.
Terrain: Mixed aspen conifer woodland. Terrain popular with cyclists and hikers.
Weather Conditions: Sunny, warm around 18’C
Additional Comments: Despite the earlier rains, the area was now a bit on the dry side. Mushrooms were not abundant, however, a few were found to make this foray a good learning experience for many of the novice members.
I am looking for more information about Leccinum insigne (Aspen Bolete). And weather it is considered edible. Is this mushroom edible with caution due to gastric upset? Or is it a safe and delicious mushroom?