What: Water Valley Foray NW of the City of Calgary
When did the foray occur: Sept. 1, 2019
Foray Length: 3 hours
Attendance: 22 people
Mushroom Species Found:
Many edibles in large numbers including:
- Orange Lactarius
- Leccinum sp.
- many Yellow Russula
- Hericium coralloides
- Hydnum repandum
- Hydnum umbilicatum
- Clavariadelphus truncatus
- Gomphus clavatus
- Lycoperdon pyriforme
- Pleurotus sp.
- Flammulina velutipes
- Suillus sp.
- Tricholoma equestre
Many LBM’s and various non-edibles including:
- Lactarius rufus
- Cortinarius sp.
- Clitocybe sp.
- Lentinellus sp.
- Helvella sp.
- Leucopaxillus sp.
- Lepiota sp.
- Peziza sp.
- numerous polypores
Terrain: Mixed aspen conifer woodland with lots of deadfall. Fairly flat with a few lower areas.
Weather Conditions: Foggy and damp after a few days of rainfall. Cloudy and around 14’C.
Additional Comments: Approximately 8 new members had an interpretive and educational 2 hour walk with Christine Costello and Barb Shworak followed by a discussion of what was found.
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